Nanobiotix SA Share Price

Get the latest share price and comprehensive financial analysis of Nanobiotix SA right here. Stay informed with up-to-date performance metrics, peer comparisons, and analyst recommendations. You can start buying shares of Nanobiotix SA from India at just ₹1 from Appreciate.


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Nanobiotix SA Stock Price Performance over Last 52 Weeks

Current price of Nanobiotix SA stock is $2.98 as on 27 Dec, 2024. The 52-Week High of Nanobiotix SA is and the 52-Week Low is . Currently, the share price of Nanobiotix SA is below the 52-week high and above the 52-week low.

52 week range


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Nanobiotix SA Key Metrics

Market Cap

Total Revenue


Dividend Yield


P/E Ratio

1 Month Return

1 Year Return

P/B Ratio

1 Week Return


Analyst Ratings

Here is the count of analysts who are advising buy, sell, and hold recommendations for this stock.


Nanobiotix SA Earnings

Expected EPS Expected EPS
Actual Actual EPS

Nanobiotix SA Stock Info

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  • Market Cap

Summary of Nanobiotix SA Returns

The table below summarises Nanobiotix SA’s performance over the last 3, 12, 36 and 60 months.

Period Nanobiotix SA

Nanobiotix SA Consolidated Financial Statements

Nanobiotix SA Peers Comparison

The table below shows returns of Nanobiotix SA’s stock compared to peers

Period 1 Month 3 Months 6 Months 1 Year 3 Year 5 Year

Latest Corporate Actions by Nanobiotix SA

Cash Dividend



Ex Date

Frequently Asked Questions

What is {{ stock_name }} share price today?

Live {{ stock_name }} share price on 27 Dec, 2024 is {{ stock_price_usd }}.

What is today's market capitalisation of {{ stock_name }}?

Current market capitalisation of {{ stock_name }} is {{ live_market_cap }}

How much has {{ stock_name }} gone up from its 52-week low?

Currently, {{ stock_name }} is {{ percent_from_low }} up from its 52-week low of {{ 52_week_low }}.

How much has {{ stock_name }} gone down from its 52-week high?

Currently, {{ stock_name }} is {{ percent_from_high }} down from its 52-week high.

Can Indians buy {{ stock_name }} shares?

Yes, Indians can buy shares of {{ stock_name }} by opening an account with Appreciate Wealth

Can I buy fractional shares of {{ stock_name }}?

Yes, you can buy fractional shares of {{ stock_name }} starting from only ₹1 only on Appreciate Wealth.

What are {{ stock_name }}’s high and low prices today?

Today (27 Dec, 2024), {{ stock_name }}’s high is {{ intraday_high }} and low is {{ intraday_low }}

What historical returns has {{ stock_name }} given over the years?

The {{ stock_name }} stock has given returns in the last 1 year.

How can I buy {{ stock_name }} shares from India?

You can buy {{ stock_name }} shares from India through the Appreciate Wealth. Open an account in less than 3 minutes and start investing today.

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